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  “贺岁片”(New Year films)一词是由香港传入内地的。贺岁片是指在元旦、春节期间上映的电影。欢乐和放松是观众在逢年过节、尤其是春节期间普遍的追求,这就决定了贺岁片的风格:轻松、幽默,具有强烈的观赏性和娱乐性。因此贺岁片多与百姓节日期间喜庆的生活和习俗相关,形式多是娱乐性、消遣性较强的喜剧片和动作片。贺岁片不仅为节日增加了喜庆气氛,还带给观众不断的笑声和颇多愉悦。


  The phrase New Year films was spread to mainland from Hong Kong.New Year films refer to films shown/released during the New Year or the Spring Festival.It is a common pursuit of the audience to be happy and relaxed during festivals,especially the Spring Festival.This decides the style of New Year films:easy,humorous and highly valuable in appreciation and entertainment.So New Year films are related to people's happy life and customs during festivals,and most of them are recreational comedies and action movies.New Year films not only add joyous atmosphere to festivals,but also bring continuous laughter and much pleasure to the audience.

  1.由香港传入内地的:可使用被动语态翻译,即be spread to mainland from Hong Kong。

  2.在元旦、春节期间上映的电影:此处可用过去分词shown或released作定语修饰films,即films shown/released during New Year or the Spring Festival,使得译文结构更紧凑,表意更明确。

  3.具有强烈的观赏性和娱乐性:结合前面的并列成分,此处可译highly valuable in appreciation and entertainment。

  4.与…相关:翻译时可使用短语be related to。

  5.娱乐性、消遣性较强的喜剧片和动作片:可译为recreational comedies and action movies。其中comedies和action movies分别意为“喜剧片”和“动作片”。

  6.喜庆气氛:可译为joyous atmosphere。



  央视(CCTV)“春晚”(Spring Festival Gala)—直被视为农历新年庆祝活动中一个重要的组成部分。它是一个集歌舞、喜剧小品(sketch comedy)、戏曲、民间艺术表演为一体的大型综艺节目(large varietyprogram)。和谐、团聚是晚会的两大主题。在过去的30年中,“春晚”一直位居全国直播类综艺节目收视率(audience rating)之首。然而,众口难调。每年观众们都希望“春晚”能够有所创新,导演和演员们绞尽脑汁地进行节目的编排。“春晚”已成为央视以及节目主创人员所面临的一个巨大挑战。


  CCTV's annual Spring Festival Gala is an important part of activities to celebrate the Spring Festival.It's a large variety program combing singing,dancing,sketch comedy,traditional Chinese opera and folk art,with harmony and get-together being its two main themes.In the past two decades,the audience rating of CCTV's annual Spring Festival Gala has always been at the top of all live variety programs in China.However, it is difficult to cater for all tastes.Every year,audience expect innovation of the Gala.The director and actors rack their brains to program.The Spring Festival Gala has become a great challenge for CCTV and the staff team in charge.

  1.它是一个…大型综艺节目:本句使用非谓语动词combining修饰a large variety program,相当于定语从句,进一步解释综艺节目的内容和形式。

  2.和谐、团聚:可译为harmony and get-together。其中get-together还可以用reunion来表达。

  3.位居全国直播类综艺节目收视率之首:可译为at the top of all live variety programs in China。

  4.绞尽脑汁地进行节目的编排:文中译为rack their brains to program。“绞尽脑汁”有固定的译法,即rack one's brain;注意此处program用作动词,意为“编排节目”。

  5.节目主创人员:即“主要负责人员”,可译为the staff team in charge。


