
| 旅游知识 |




  顾客 customer

  旅游者 tourist

  旅游散客 independent traveler

  旅游团队 tour group

  旅游服务供方 service supplier in tourism

  旅游服务组织 service organization in tourism

  旅游服务企业 enterprise of service in tourism

  旅游定点企业 designated tourism enterprises

  旅游服务特性 characteristics of service in tourism

  旅游服务提供 service delivery in tourism

  旅游服务等级 service grade in tourism

  星级 star

  星级评定 star-rating

  旅游服务产品 product of service in tourism

  观光旅游 sightseeing tour

  度假旅游 vacation tour

  专项旅游 specific tour

  会议旅游 convention tour

  奖励旅游 incentive travel

  特种旅游 special interest tour

  旅行社 travel service;travel agency

  导游人员 tour guide

  海外领队 overseas escort

  旅游交通 tourist communications

  旅游汽车 tourist automobile

  旅游船 cruise ship

  游览船 sightseeing boat;sightseeing ship

  星级游船 star-rated cruise ship

  旅游住宿 tourist lodging

  旅游涉外饭店 hotels catering to overseas tourists

  星级饭店 star-rated hotel

  涉外公寓 apartment for aliens

  星级公寓 star-rated apartment

  涉外写字楼 office buiding for aliens

  旅游餐饮 tourist catering

  旅游定点餐馆 designated tourist restaurant

  旅游团队餐 meals for tour group

  服务 service


  住宿 accommodation

  旅馆 hotel

  汽车旅馆 motel

  提供一夜住宿和早餐的旅馆 b&b

  青年招待所 youth hostel

  豪华饭店 luxury hotel

  公寓旅馆 residential hotel

  寄宿公寓 boardinghouse

  空房 vacant room

  套房 suite

  旅馆大厅 lobby

  旅馆登记薄 hotel register

  登记 check-in

  结帐 check-out

  预定房间 reservation

  行李托管证 baggage check

  接待 reception

  登记表 registration form

  单人房间 single room

  双人房间 double room

  门房 porter

  侍者 bellboy

  清理房间的女服务员 chambermaid

  餐厅领班 headwaiter

  半膳 half board

  全膳 full board

  在一家旅馆住宿 to put up at a hotel

  订房间 to book a room

  游览地 place of sightseeing

  游览区 sightseeing district

  度假区 holiday resort

  游览点 sightseeing spotisiting spot

  旅游购物 tourist shopping

  旅游定点商店 designated tourist shop

  旅游娱乐 tourist recreation

  文化类旅游娱乐场所 tourist recreational spot of cultural kind

  康乐类旅游娱乐场所 tourist recreational spot of health and pleasure kind


  姓Family name,Surname

  名First Name,Given name



  国籍nationality,country of citizenship

  护照号passport number

  原住地country of origin

  前往国destination country

  登机城市city where you boarded

  签证签发地city where visa was issued

  签发日期date of issue

  出生日期date of birth,birth date


  偕行人数accompanying number


  官方填写official use only





  商务签证Business Visa

  观光签证Tourist Visa

