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  1.学习目标:熟读并详细分析近10年真题2.阶段重点:真题真题真题,重点是阅读3.复习建议:(1)单词记忆每天进行,不间断。(2)定时做真题阅读,做完后详细分析。①利用早上整段的时间做真题(作文可以不写),不要查单词,完全自己做,然后对答案,之后看一下答案分析。②每天分析2-3篇,分析包括: 第一遍分析正确选项,第二遍分析错误选项的设置,第三遍在原位中找对应的句子,是每个选项对应的句子哟,分析为什么这样出题,第四遍,了解文章的背景,作者的情感。③此阶段不建议专门建立单词笔记本,重要的单词在分析时顺便查一下就好。④时间比较充足的童鞋可以全文翻译阅读原文。(3)完成阅读后,用同样的方法完型、翻译和新题型。完型和新题型这两类题型不用全文翻译。






  1. It is hoped that we should place much emphasis on/pay more attention to...

  例句:It is hoped that we should pay more attention to the problems of unemployment.

  2. It is high time that...

  例句:It is high time that the issue were to be solved so as to promote the economic development.

  3. The problem is not...; the problem is...

  例句:The problem is not that we cannot do it; the problem is that we hate to

  do such nasty things.

  4.In order to..., we must...

  例句:In order to make our world a better place in which to live, we must

  learn to live in harmony with all wildlife species.

  5.All the above evidence/experience/ facts goes to show that...

  例句:All the above evidence goes to show that the birth of computer has

  benefited our life greatly.

  6.No surprising/ It is apparent that the task of...demands/requires/de

  serves immediate/serious/considerable attention/consideration.

  例句:It is, therefore, apparent that the task of fighting against corruption requires considerable consideration now.

  7.We then have reasons to be confident that in the near future...

  例句:We then have reasons to be confident that in the near future, no child

  is forced out of school because of poverty.

  8.So I believe a...tomorrow...

  will be achieved through efforts of every person.

  例句:So I believe a safe tomorrow of less car accidents will be

  achievedthrough efforts of every person.


